Friday, December 31, 2010

Parajunkee's Shifter Challenge

Parajunkee's Shifter Challenge...easy-peasy again: Read 20 books in 2011 with a shifter as the main character, good or bad

Parajunkee's Vampire Challenge 2011

Parajunkee has an easy-peasy challenge, read 20 books where a vampire is a main character, good or bad....see? Easy-peasy:
1. THE GREYFRIAR: Vampire Empire Book One - Clay Griffith and Susan Griffith

Monday, November 1, 2010

All About N's Holiday Challenge

All About {n}
Looking forward to this one! 1-5 holiday related books and there will be prezzies! Go here to sign up!
Fun to be had!!
1. MERRY, MERRY GHOST: Bailey Ruth Raeburn #2 - Carolyn G Hart, paranormal holiday cozy
2. THE DIVA COOKS A GOOSE:A Domestic Diva Mystery #4 - Krista Davis, foodie cozy
3. MURDER FOR CHRIST'S MASS: Templar Knight Mystery #4 - Maureen Ash, medieval mystery

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Debut Urban Fantasy Challenge

Hop on over to Dark Faerie Tales to sign up for this new challenge...ROE is to read 15 or more debut Urban Fantasy authors this year and DFT keeps an updated debut UF title list. I'll get my list of books from there and list them here as I read them.